An Album of New Music for Melodica, in Solo and Ensemble


Jon BRENNER: melodica impromptu 1 (solo)

Stephen CHASE:  harmoniphon vexed (ensemble), Feet. Can't. Fail. (solo or ensemble)

Kieran DALY: two pieces for solo melodica

Paul A. EPSTEIN: Changes 3: Palindromes (solo melodica with bagpipe bellows)

Graham FLETT:  verrière de vapeur

Ben.HARPER: Redundens 1m (solo)

Aaron HYNDS: Duo

Jukka-Pekka KERVINEN  branches,  pattern (duet),  sketch (trio)

KONDO Kohei : Short Pieces for Melodica Trio (AAB), Op. 85,  Unreliable Soldiers, Op. 93 (AAB trio)

Scott MC LAUGHLIN: Hazing (four or more)

NOMURA Makoto:  Pasqua Belhamasca (trio)

USHIJIMA Akiko: Uninterrupted Rests again (AAB trio)

D.J. WOLF:  The Long March (quartet), Isn't it great to be living on a planet? (solo)

edited 2009 by Daniel James Wolf, all rights to the works included here are  assigned to and reserved by the individual  copyright holders