How Can I Order ....?
I don't
have shopping software running so if you want to order
something from me, please contact me with E@Mail.
You can
use the symbol on the left...
If the
item you like is available
I will confirm the price and the
shipping costs within a short time.
After payment
the item will be shipped the way you choose, that
means insured or not, shipped with our lovely "German Post" or
"UPS United Parcel Service".
Payment methods
are the following :
Bank Order
Of Course you
can send cash or traveller cheques too, but please use
a registered letter for your own savety. Sorry - but I cannot accept US-
Bank Cheques (Personal Cheques) cause there is no way to encash
them here in Europe.
Europeans are
recommended to pay with an usual bank order. That is
save, fast and not very expensive.
we're not able to accept direct payment with Credit Cards.
There have been a lot of disappointments in the past. For payments with
we recommend to use the service of PayPal,
a company in USA. They work
fast'n save and they don't want transaction fees from buyers. But you need
become a PayPal member first. Check their services by clicking the VISA-
sign or the PayPal logo and get $5.00 for sign up.
More about conditions
you'll find on my conditions page.........................
If u need detailed informations about costs of
shipment please click here.